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Visit to Kromdraai Gold Mine
  17 October 2010

The Kromdraai Gold Mine was one of the first gold mines on the Witwatersrand and is situated in an unspoilt rural setting about 40 minutes drive from Johannesburg in the Cradle of Mankind area.
Gold was discovered here in Kromdraai in 1881 (5 years before the gold reef was discovered in Johannesburg) by Johannes Stephanus Minnaar.
The first government mining concession on the Witwatersrand was granted to the Kromdraai Gold Mine by the first President of South Africa, Paul Kruger.

Ten Rolls-Royce and Bentley chariots of various vintages and flavors assembled on the Northern outskirts of the city
in preparation for the drive to Kromdraai Gold Mine.

Much discussion took place and liters of coffee were consumed.

Upon arrival we were given a brief lecture on the history of the mine…
…and then the excitement mounted as we were marched single file
into the side of the mountain.

There is a small museum filled with interesting mining related items.

And finally after all that running around the inside of a mountain we sat down for a delicious picnic lunch.

This is how we picnic!

The “car guard” obviously identified Graham and Ali’s stunning Cloud III as his favorite.

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